What's new in Version 2011.02
Jul 1, 2011
- Version:
The following templates have been discontinued in this release:
- Audit - pre-changeover GAAS template (for audits of periods ended before December 14, 2010) A copy of this template dated January 2011 is available upon request to registered users of the audit templates.
- Compilation - legacy template (All compilation files should be upgraded to the current Compilation template - see upgrade instructions)
- The following templates were available in 2 formats, one for use with CaseWare Working Papers 2010 (“CW 2010‛) and one for use with CaseWare Working Papers 2009 (“CW 2009‛):
(At the date of release of the July 2011 templates, CaseWare Working Papers 2011 (“CW 2011‛) had been announced, but not yet released. Users may upgrade their templates to use with CW 2011 by opening each template in CW 2011 and following the prompts to convert the file.)
- Audit - CAS
- Review - ASPE
- Review - ASNPO (New in this release)
- Compilation
- Review - pre-changeover GAAP (A CW 2004 - 2008 version is also available upon request to registered users of the review templates.)
- The “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template is designed for reviews of NPOs and PEs using pre-changeover GAAP - This template will be discontinued in due course. (PEs must adopt ASPE no later than the first fiscal year commencing January 1, 2011 or later, and NPOs must adopt ASNPO no later than the first fiscal year commencing January 1, 2012 or later.)
- This release includes revisions relating to the May 2011 release of the CGA Canada Public Practice Manual (“CGA-PPM‛).
If you are not using the current version of CaseWare: Users of CaseWare Working Papers 2008 (CW 2008) or older should upgrade their CaseWare license to enjoy the benefits of our new templates. Only the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ and “Audit - pre-changeover GAAS‛ templates are available for CW 2004 to CW 2008.
If using CW 2009:
- Download the CW 2009 version of the templates. The templates are ready to use immediately after downloading and installing. (Request the “Audit - pre-changeover GAAS‛ template if required.)
If using CW 2005, CW 2006, or CW 2008:
- Request the CW 2004 version of the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template and/or the “Audit - pre-changeover GAAS‛ template. Open the template file by using the “open‛ feature in CW 2005, CW 2006, or CW 2008. When prompted: “Convert data from previous version?‛ - answer YES. Once the conversion has completed, the template is now ready to use.
If using CW 2004:
- Request the CW 2004 version of the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template and/or the “Audit - pre-changeover GAAS‛ template. The template is ready to use immediately after downloading and installing.
If using CW 2009:
The following templates have been discontinued in this release:
- Revisions:
The features described below are available in the all templates except the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template and the discontinued templates, unless otherwise noted.
- Financial statements:
- Added functionality for ASNPO
- Added additional note disclosure for ASPE
- Other technical revisions
- Mapping:
- Changed description of map 235.30 to “Corporate income tax payable‛ from “Income tax payable‛
- Chart of accounts:
- Some revisions to correspond to the new separation of PE and NPO review templates. Files using the client’s chart of accounts are unaffected.
- CaseWare documents:
- Revenue and expenses analysis: documents 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 -document properties adjusted to report by map number
- Adjusting entries: Text added to provide client instructions for posting entries:
- “NOTE TO CLIENT: If your computer system has the option to post entries to the prior year, then enter the following journal entries as at your year-end date, and post to the prior year. If your computer system does not allow prior period posting, then enter the journal entries using the first day after your year-end date, and post all income and expense amounts to the retained earnings account.‛
- This message will appear at the top of the adjusting entry list when printed. When this message is not applicable, it can be removed by deleting the adjusting entry identified by an asterisk (*).
- Letters:
- Engagement letter - Added functionality for ASNPO
- Engagement letter - Enhanced features for ASPE
- Engagement letter - minor technical revisions
- Client representation letter - Added functionality for ASNPO
- Client representation letter - Enhanced features for ASPE
- Client representation letter - minor technical revisions
- Management letter - when client is an NPO, matters not applicable to NPOs will no longer be visible
- Management letter - technical corrections
- File profile:
- Added functionality and instructions for ASNPO
- Enhanced features for ASPE
- Enhanced the working papers variance section
- Budget working paper:
- Minor technical revision
- Materiality assessment (review engagements):
- Minor revisions
- Client Profile working paper:
- Minor revisions
- Instructions for T4 Reports - BB.27:
- When client is an NPO, matters not applicable to NPOs will no longer be visible
- Audit - CAS template:
- All checklists have been revised to include ASNPO requirements, as published in the CGA-PPM. See CGA-PPM for details of other checklist revisions.
- NOTE: Upgrade procedures apply the first time this template is used for each client if the previous year was prepared using the former “Audit‛ template or the “Audit - pre-changeover GAAS‛ template.
- Review - ASPE template:
- All checklists have been revised to remove references to the pre-changeover NPO standards, as published in the CGA-PPM. See CGA-PPM for details of other checklist revisions.
- NOTE: Upgrade procedures apply the first time this template is used for each client if the previous year was prepared using the former “Review‛ template or the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template.
- Review - ASNPO template:
- This is a new template based on the new ASNPO review engagement checklists in the CGA-PPM.
- This template should be used for an NPO that has adopted ASNPO
- All our templates, including this new one, use the identical mapping system. Map numbers that are not used by an NPO should remain in the file without any GL accounts mapped to them.
- NOTE: Upgrade procedures apply the first time this template is used for each client if the previous year was prepared using the former “Review‛ template or the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template.
- Review - pre-changeover GAAP template:
- No significant changes - This is the former “Review‛ template
- This template should be used for a PE that has not yet adopted ASPE
- This template should be used for an NPO that has not yet adopted ASNPO
- Compilation template:
- No significant changes
- NOTE: Upgrade procedures apply the first time this template is used for each client if the previous year was prepared using the former “Compilation‛ template (dated January 2010 or earlier) or the “Compilation - legacy‛ template.
- Audit - pre-changeover GAAS template
- Discontinued - This is the former “Audit‛ template
- Compilation - legacy template
- Discontinued - This is the former “Compilation‛ template
- “Getting started‛ file [Included with ALL templates]
- Added current template revision information
- Updated the instructions for setting up or upgrading client files
- Help file [Included with ALL templates]
- Updated the instructions for setting up or upgrading client files and for creating statements without comparative figures
- Financial statements:
The features described below are available in the all templates except the “Review - pre-changeover GAAP‛ template and the discontinued templates, unless otherwise noted.