What's new in Version 2022.01
Dec 2, 2022
- This release is available for use with CaseWare Working Papers 2021 and later.
- This version includes CPA Canada Professional Engagement Guide (“CPA Canada PEG”) revisions up to and including the 2022 PEG update.
Audit templates:
- CAS 315 has been revised for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2021. There are multiple new, revised and deleted documents. See 00.2 “Template help” for a detailed list of changes.
Review templates:
- 2C.1 - Withdrawal of engagement: New document from the latest PEG update.
- 2E.9 - FRF - ASPE – Agriculture: New CPA handbook section 3041 effective for periods starting on or after January 1, 2022. Early adoption is permitted.
All templates:
- 2B - Management letter: Added new options for some common topics.
- Improved spacing and sizing on multiple Caseview documents.
Review templates:
- 3D – Materiality assessment: Expanded the final materiality section.
- 3A/MM.1: Included space for additional related parties.
- 3A.4 – Engagement scope: Adjusted so opening figures before any adjustments show as preliminary numbers.
Compilation template:
- FS – Financial statements: Added a checkbox to replace the new compilation report with the old Notice to Reader for engagements not under CSRS 4200.
- Changes to the wording of the compilation report and the Financial Statement note to refer to the preparation of Financial Statements.
- Added additional options for the Basis of Accounting note.